A little backstory…

Once upon a time, I was a recent college graduate during the recession where jobs were nowhere to be found. While I customized and sent off hundreds of resumes with nary a response, I got creative and cobbled together whatever I could find to make rent and an attempt at an Adult Life. Cafe jobs? Did ‘em. Pet sitting? Of course. Cooking for an elderly couple in my neighborhood? You betcha. Being demeaned and yelled at by toxic bosses and then laid off a few days before Christmas? Absolutely.

And that’s just scratching the surface. It was a fun time, y’all.

The years after college were spent bouncing from job to job, never satisfied, never feeling valued, and never sticking around - or being kept around - long enough to make a dent. I knew I had a lot to offer the world. I knew that the right thing was out there for me, somewhere.

After I finally left my last W2 shindig in 2016, I struck out on my own to make ends meet doing things MY way. 

I began by helping small business owners with their marketing - a skill developed while getting my BS in Management & Psychology that was then honed working for small businesses and start-ups. While I was helping write blogs, social media posts, and newsletters, I was also working as a Realtor, pet-sitter, catering support staff, and taking on whatever odd job came my way.

To say my background is varied would be an understatement.

As my marketing and writing clientele grew, I was able to pass on some of the other opportunities and focus on the work I most enjoyed.

Around this time, I also moved into my Ford van and started traveling all over the western states. For the next 3 years, I spent my life full-time on the road and in my client’s copy. I wrote for companies and publications. I did a lot of ghostwriting and learned the differences in SEO content vs Thought Leadership content. I explored writing for the outdoor industry and found a solid home in the B2B and B2B Tech space. My rates raised, slowly but surely. In the beginning, I wrote for literal pennies through content mills and now, my base rate for a ghostwritten article is $1000.

It was a trail of elbow grease and tears. I bounced between states of elation and frustration. I learned how to pitch projects and articles. I began streamlining my process of finding new clients. I raised (or at least attempted to) my rates with every new client and learned how to negotiate.

Along the way, I started coaching others in how they, too, could build sustainable businesses that were positively impacting the world we live in. I began sharing the principles of balance between mindset + aligned action that need to be taken to achieve your goals. How you think about yourself and your business is just as - if not more - important than the action steps you take to grow it.

My purpose on the planet has always been to learn and disperse skills, to help, to encourage, to empower. I am passionate about helping individuals build businesses that are deliberate, sustainable, and authentic to them. 

As a values-forward creator & coach who takes pride in her work, I always put authenticity ahead of click-bait content and disingenuous tips. I prioritize long-term growth over short-term wins.


I have Coaching Programs to fit every freelancer's or small business's needs plus some a la carte add-ons.

My One-On-One Mindset & Strategy Coaching Sessions are an hour long and are conducted via Zoom. During these calls, I take a lot of notes and help you get clear on your goals and attitudes. We dismantle old belief systems that aren't serving you and construct new foundations on which you can build a sturdy empire. We'll discuss your weekly tasks and address any potential tripping hazards.

Some of my one-on-one programs include email or text access between calls for those times when you're negotiating a project and need advice NOW.

I also started offering a Group Coaching Program that includes a 3-month Core Curriculum that is supplemented with twice-a-month Live Extracurricular Calls. You can learn more about that program here.

If you want to take your budding business from Struggle Bus to Comfy Caravan, let’s talk. My evidence-based approach has helped many of my clients land more contracts, earn more money, work less, and live better.


I take a holistic approach to mindset & strategy coaching.

My background gives me a unique perspective of brand management along the entire spectrum from customer to owner. I can help connect your brand to your audience on an emotional level while also ensuring you’re putting your values first so that the work remains sustainable and fulfilling.


How to Work Through Your Fear of Failure


My 10-Step Beginner Freelancer System to Get Your Business Started on the Right Foot